Playtest FAQ

Why are you running a playtest? 

There are a few reasons: just like an author needs an editor, game developers need playtesters. When you work on a project it can be easy to make assumptions about how the game feels to a fresh player. The feedback we get from playtesting is essential in order to deliver on our intended experience. The other main reason is that we’ve been hard at work on WOFG! for a while now, and we know what we have right now is fun and funny. It’s gratifying just to have it out in the world in some form. Seeing other people enjoy it is a huge motivator for us. 

How do I join the playtest? 

We are running a public play test directly through Steam. Visit the WOFG! Steam Page to sign up.

Why are therE limited playtest seats?

We’ve decided not to limit the playtest for the time being. It's open and public to all. We may choose to limit the playtest in the future, but we don't anticipate that happening unless there is sudden unprecedented interest.

Is the playtest time limited?

Yes. We plan to end access to the playtest build at some point and replace it with a public demo that showcases what WOFG! is all about.   

Will I be able to play the game after the playtest ends?

Yes! We are planning to release a version of the final playtest build as a free demo on after the playtest ends.  

Will you be updating the playtest build?

Yes. We will be uploading new builds periodically for the duration of the playtest. We will be using the Steam community to share development news with our players. 

What are the minimum system requirements to run the WOFG! Playtest?

We don’t know! That’s part of the reason for the playtest. Early testers have been able to run the game on a wide variety of PCs and we are still trying to figure out the low end. We welcome any and all PCs and if the game doesn't work that’s just good data for us.      

What about other operating systems? i.e. Mac OS/Linux? 

The  playtest can only support windows for now. We hope to solve this someday, but it is not a major priority for us at this time.